Mrs. Utah America 2006

This is a journal of my experiences as Mrs. Utah America 2006. It starts with my daily diary at the 2006 Mrs. America Pageant and will continue throughout my reign with monthly updates. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I can't believe I have been here an entire week!

My day started with a 5:45 wake up call to get ready for my television interview. The show producer, Peter, asked us questions and they taped our responses to use if you make it into the top ten.....Then I went on to the golf competition!

It was was fun. The golf course at Ventana Canyon is incredibly beautiful and the views are inspiring! I am a terrible golfer but really had a great time with the camera crew and the ladies. We got to exchange gifts with the contestants and that was a wonderful, heartwarming experience because of the thought and time that was put into the gifts. I met Mrs. America, Andrea Preuss today. I love her. She is a very nice, caring woman. I got to try on the Mrs. America crown (there is a picture with me wearing the America crown). WOW!!

We went to a BBQ tonight with Mrs. America. The food was great and the atmosphere was really relaxed.....something I think we all needed. It was at the hotel and we watched the sun go down. The sunsets here are really beautiful.....I wish you were all here to share this experience with me. I am grateful for the opportunity to represent you.

Next up, a hot shower and a soft pillow!

Love, Drennan


  • At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow. What a ring. Mrs. Texas got rocks!!!!!!!

    You look great in that crown. Have a great day, Sweetheart. We all love you and are praying for you.

    Love, Mom

  • At 10:57 AM, Blogger Andrea ; ) said…

    I was finaly able to get to a computer with internet. Mine has been down for a few days. You look beautiful. Drennan you are wonderful, I am sure everyone there just loves you. Just be yourself and believe! You are already Mrs.America.
    I love you,

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Andrea ; ) said…

    I am trying to figure this out...I've never blogged before. You look beautiful, we are all thinking of you. I am so happy you get to have this amazing experience! Your in my prayers,
    Love, Andrea

  • At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck, cindy huerta

  • At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Drenn, 30 carats, that can't be that much, can it? I think I'll get you one when you get back. You're worth it!
    Love you,

  • At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Drennan,

    You are such a beautiful woman--stunning outside and good as gold inside. We love you so very much and are so proud of you--not so much for being Mrs. Utah as for being a sterling person. You'll make a wonderful Mrs. America.

    Love, Mom

  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    This is Stephen from Sandman Studios. I hope that you are having a great time. We will make sure that Lee stays out of trouble.

    Good Luck,


  • At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Drennan, The Mrs. America crown fits you perfectly! Make sure you soak your feet nightly! We love you and it's great being able to follow your events on the blog!
    Jeanette Goins

  • At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So far from what we have seen this is your pageant to win! You are so awesome and we are excited to be related to Mrs. America!

    Hope you're having the time of your life...this might even trump having us as in-laws!

  • At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow you look amazing in all of your pics! It is so fun getting on and reading all you are doing! Keep it up we are all cheering for you. You are amazing!
    Brigitte Shamy

  • At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Drennan,

    We love hearing about all of your experiences. We were in Flagstaff this weekend...sorry we couldn't see you guys. It was a quick, tiring trip.

    We also saw the Sidewinders, but here in SLC. We saw them play the Bees...pretty cool. The Bees won that game!

    You are looking so beautiful in all of the pictures. We are cheering for you and wish you the best.

    I'm sure you will do great at the dance, too. You are an amazing person. We are so glad that you can have this experience and couldn't ask for a better person to represent the women of Utah!

    Good luck and we hope you deserve it!


    Spence and Anne

  • At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Drennan,

    This is just a note from Janet Skinner. I just finished reading all of your letters to everyone and I enjoyed them very much. I had a good laugh when you talked about the diaper changing and marguerita-making "contests"! At least I'd know where to start with the diaper changing but the marguerita making.....pass the salt!

    You're going to do a great job and represent us well. I'm glad the dress your other designed turned out well, she put a love of imagination, time, talent and love into it.

    Give your mom and dad my love and best wishes and give those cute little boys a hug too.

    Good luck.


    Janet Skinner


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